Looking like a tiny little black eyeball, this well disguised (DVR) digital video recorder will help many a perve get away with the next great hidden cam shot. What makes the Camball unique is its ability to be in plain site yet film away at the next unsuspecting victim.
Your required electronics are crammed into a sphere that’s just a bit smaller than your tournament sized table tennis ball.

The Camball can record 320×240 or 640×480 resolution video using MPEG-4 encoding. Since it stores everything on a Micro SD memory card, you can save up to 8GB of video.

It’s a pity that this nifty little gadget is only available in Korea at this time, and there aren’t any plans to offer them on this side of the pond at this point. Prices for the Camball range from 190,000 to 230,000 Korean Won (appx. $185 to $225 USD), depending on if you want the optional MP3 player.
Wher can I grt one of those? >:)