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Guys , if you have some porn with your ex-girl on your iPod, don’t let your crazy girlfriend use it. |
In Alabama they come down hard on girls destroying your porn. Gina Carano of Birmingham, Alabama spent a few minutes checking out her boyfriend’s iPod while he was in the shower. After a few minutes of of shuffling through it, she found a video of her boyfriend and another girl having a little bedroom romp. Carano, in a fit of rage, stomped the iPod on the floor and then flushed it down the toilet.
Carano went to her boy friend who was still in the shower, slapped his face and told him what she had done. She told him that she had had enough and would never see him again. At least she thought she would never see him again. Two hours later the police came to her house and arrested her for assault and destroying private property.
As it turns out the roommate of the man assaulted called the police and reported the crime. When the police arrived at the house of the boyfriend agreed to press assault charges after the police found scratches on his face and bruising from the slap.As it turns out it’s not Carano’s first arrest for assault and she now faces up to a year in prison for the crime.
Serves the psycho bitch right.
He should have pulled that iPod out of the toilet and shoved it down here throat. She needs to rot in jail over that.
she shouldn’t be prosecuted for assault. that’s the kind of personal interaction perhaps you should come to expect when you scorn somebody
however, she should be civilly liable for destroying the ipod. destroying somebody’s stuff when you’re angry at them is just throwing a temper tantrum and shouldn’t be tolerated.
The roommate is a tool. If you’re fucking around on your girlfriend you deserve a slap at least. Take it like a man. Calling the police was a pussy maneuver.
well, not much of a story. serves them right both!
I’m amazed that anyone is saying that it was okay for the girl to slap the boy, or that he should take it, or that his roommate shouldn’t’ve gotten involved.
If the genders were reversed, there’s no way you’d be saying any of this. And rightly so.
>The roommate is a tool. If you’re fucking around on your girlfriend you deserve a slap at least.
There wasn’t any information on how long that relationship was, and whether that video was shot before the relationship.
It might just as well have been some old leftover from previous relationship. Although it might have been smart to destroy all such material, or at least hide it.
If the gender’s were reversed, no matter how “lightly” he slapped her, he’d be in jail and the scorn of almost everyone who heard about it.
Women routinely result to physical and emotional violence as a result of emotional hurt. Not just with less “provocation” to do so, but with more intensity!
Women don’t get called on that bullshit often enough, but they need to be treated according to the standards set up by a gender neutral principle: hit someone without being in self-defense, with intent to hurt (not just a slap on the arm), get charged and go to jail!!!!!
Good for the roommate and good for the boyfriend. Cheating on someone doesn’t make it lawful to hit him.
Al’s right. I slept around on him, and he bruised me with a good shot, and I didn’t call the cops because it’s perfectly ok to hit your girlfriend if she has it coming. There’s no double standard here at all.
“she shouldn’t be prosecuted for assault. that’s the kind of personal interaction perhaps you should come to expect when you scorn somebody”
So it’s okay for men to go around hitting women?
Thought so.
He deserved it. Maybe not the destruction of property, but in the VERY least the slap in the face. I don’t care how good the sex was with your last girlfriend, or how many videos/pictures you took, when you break up, you should delete them, permanently. No back-ups.
And you should DEFINITELY have deleted them before you start dating another girl. That’s just plain wrong.
So yeah… He deserved it. And honestly, I don’t blame her for being that pissed.
He could have been cheating, or it could be an old video. Don’t assume.
she shouldn’t be prosecuted for assault. that’s the kind of personal interaction perhaps you should come to expect when you scorn somebody
She did slap him hard enough to leave scratches and a bruise. That’s a little more than “personal interaction”.
It’s never okay for anyone to hit anyone else out of spite. Spite is not self-defense, and it’s not a reasonable or acceptable excuse for the girl’s behavior.
The fact that women are weaker in average does not constitute enough ground to tolerate a double standard. Assault is assault and it’s usually going to be punished according to the severity and egregiousness of the act. A bruise in the face merits, according to reason and logic, less prison time than four broken bones, but it *still* merits prison time.
And, yes, one of the commenters rightfully pointed out to the fact that, if the boyfriend had hit her, he would be in prison faster than the time it would have taken her to yell “help!”.
So put the wacko girl in jail. It’s at the very least, fair.
Are you guys really such pansies that you need the police to protect you from a girl? Grow a pair of balls and stop whining about how you’re afraid of getting slapped.
mind said,
on September 14th, 2007 at 1:58 pm
she shouldn’t be prosecuted for assault. that’s the kind of personal interaction perhaps you should come to expect when you scorn somebody
BZZZZZT….try again.
If one person hits another person, its a crime, unless you’re in a sporting event where it is expected.
If you are a woman, you have just as much guilt and criminal culpability for hitting someone as if you are a man.
The christians may have been onto something when in the Bible they suggested women live outside the main house in a little hut when they’re on their period.
any woman or man deserves a punch in the face for cheating on their loved ones – the girl will never go to jail – this is a travesty
You people are wimps. You have no sense of justice or fairness. We have watered down our society with political correctness and nonsense to the point where we can’t even slap someone… That’s insane. It’s called consequences and satisfaction. She had every right to do what she did… the “law” is unjust.
Sounds like they deserve each other.
Sounds like they deserve each other. Sure, hitting another person is rarely justifiable. But he DID have video of him fucking another woman, for god’s sake. And stop with the “it might have been old” argument. It doesn’t matter.
He should have had better sense.
She should have had more self-control.
And the roommate should have stayed the hell out of it.
Let’s see. I’d say both the slap and the flushin’ of the iPod were totally criminal. Dude wasn’t too bright though, and I’m guessing his roommate had gotten tired of listening to them have sex or something.
Ratty Boy said, “she needs to rot in jail over that”
She should buy him a new iPod and apologize for hitting him. He should apologize to her for sleeping with someone behind her back (if that is what he did). They they should get on with their lives, and we should get on with our lives.
It’s just an iPod
OK, so from what I read, this guy didn’t cheat. He had a video, one he perhaps should have deleted after the previous girl became an ex. He’s an idiot, uncaring, but if we lower the justification for assault down to that level we’d all be guilty at one point or another.
Because someone’s an ass, doesn’t give someone else the right to assault. Basing any amount of this on gender is still sexism. Women can’t have it both ways.
A few years ago I was dating a girl who treated me like an emotional tampon. One day she came over to my house (only dating 2 months) and came in without knocking. I was alseep – she brought coffee (knowing full well i’d be asleep) and proceeded to wake me up, crying.
See, she’d gotten into a fight with her parents about this or that. Who cares. I was half asleep and didn’t like that she walked into my house to put her bad day on me. She’d already proven that she liked to complain about her problems to other people, and she was treating me like a girlfriend.
So.. I was pissed. I told her that she needed to go, that she had no right to just come into my house and wake me up, crying. It’s not like somebody died -she got into a trivial argument with somebody about something that really didn’t matter in the larger scheme of things.
Well.. she proceeded to throw the hot coffee at me, in my face. I kept my cool. I jumped out of bed and told her in no uncertain terms to get out of my house. She refused. I went to the door, opened it and asked her again, “please leave my house right now” and she refused.
Then I grabbed her arm and started to escort her out of my house. At that point she decked me and ripped up my back. At no point did I do anything more than restrain her and finally, after she had assalted me, I pushed her out the door, closed the door and locked it.
What did she do next? Well.. like all good female ‘victims’ she called the police. She told them that I had assualted her, and they showed up right away.
I thought for sure I was screwed.
Guess what? I told them exactly what happened, they asked to see the scratches on my back and saw my bruised face (and the coffee stains) and proceeded to go outside (where another deputy was with her) and arrest the ex-girlfriend.
I declined to press charges even though they said that I really should. Amazing.
So.. women think they get a free pass. Nope.
Justice said,
on September 14th, 2007 at 3:51 pm
You people are wimps. You have no sense of justice or fairness. We have watered down our society with political correctness and nonsense to the point where we can’t even slap someone… That’s insane. It’s called consequences and satisfaction. She had every right to do what she did… the “law†is unjust.
So are you for his right to slap her if she did something shitty?
“What did she do next? Well.. like all good female ‘victims’ she called the police. She told them that I had assualted her, and they showed up right away.”
I spent time as a crisis counselor and sadly, I found this to be a very very common occurrence. Many women like the victim card, and will instigate violence and the pull out that victim card when it best suits them.
Piss off. What gives any woman a right to hit someone? just because you have a vagina doesn’t give you a right to slap people. If you want to argue that women have the right to hit men, then by your own logic men should have the right to hit women due to “consequences and satisfaction”. Quit hiding behind your vagina and making excuses for double standards.
he deserved it.she doesn’t deserve jail. If anything its temporary insanity, wait till trial. What if she killed him in rage?
Last Sat night I got jumped in a small bar bathroom by two large brothers while urinating in the stall. They kicked the door open and starting punching me in the back of the head. They threatened me 5 months ago but their sister promised me it was alright. Anyway they wern’t that tough and I got a few bruises and a few scratches, but a good bit of damage occured during the brawl. Like the cabinet the guys head went through. The bathrooom doesn’t have a camera and I know the bar so I’m not suing them.
I pressed charges and all the DA would approve after losing two days of work, gas and school was disorderly conduct and harrasment. More time to waste in the system -cause it sucks.
Hey = yall, the main issue is that she wrecked his 300 dollar ipod – that is property destruction, does merit punishment, reimbursement.
Plus, girls shouldn’t think it is allright to be violent.
Haha, it’s time people realize a woman hitting a man is just as bad as a man hitting a woman. It actually might be worse because there hiding behind cultural stereotypes. If a guy got pissed at a women over something like this and bitch slapped her he would have gone to jail. I’m glad it works both ways somewhere.
The sad part is…those same police would never have arrested a man for doing the same sort of abuse to his wife. Double Standard at it’s best. Bastards…
Nobody gets to assault anybody. Seems pretty straight forward to me. Hey Jon, they do get a free pass far to often. You gave your ex a free pass by not pressing charges. If they cheat on you leave them. If the treat you like dirt leave them. If they hit you send them to jail and then leave them. Regardless of what is between your legs you shouldn’t have to worry about being assaulted.
The personal property issue is a no-brainer, she should be liable for those damages, but for the people saying she needs to rot in jail, go to prison, double standard blah blah, man up, get some sack. Jesus, if I called the police every time somebody punched me I’d still be wasting my time and that of others in court.
Some guy punches me or slaps me, I’ll settle it with my fists, like any man should. If a woman slaps me, I let it go because of the obvious physical disadvantages between men and women, and try to settle things with communication. Men who hit women are cowards, but so are men who go crying to someone else to solve their problems instead of standing up for themselves are also cowards.
The guy’s lucky she didn’t go for the yam bag.
That guy was in the wrong and he needs to take it like a man and the roommate should have minded his own business. The only reason he’s making a big deal out of it is because he knows she won’t be taking him back. And everyone who’s saying “oh what she did was “illegal” and she should be punished” like you’ve never done anything illegal, maybe you should go and turn yourself in. I don’t know anyone who’s completely innocent and there isn’t much that isn’t illegal nowadays.
“Some guy punches me or slaps me, I’ll settle it with my fists, like any man should. If a woman slaps me, I let it go because of the obvious physical disadvantages between men and women, and try to settle things with communication. Men who hit women are cowards, but so are men who go crying to someone else to solve their problems instead of standing up for themselves are also cowards.”
I don’t follow. If a man does not “stand up for themselves they are cowards”, and in the face of physical assault dare practice self defense and strike the woman attacking “are cowards”? So… damned if you do, damned if you don’t? Guess I’m a coward 😛
To those who say, stuff like: “Be a man”, or “He should be able to take it”, or ask why it should be wrong for someone to hit the other when they are emotionally hurt by being cheated on:
I say, who get’s to draw the line when it’s ok and when it’s not? A man cheats on his girlfriend, so she gets to slap him. A man makes a mean, hurtful, spiteful remark about a girl to hurt her feelings (in a fight) and she gets to slap him. A man leaves the toilet seat up, for the 50th time!, and she gets to punch him… Where does it end?
I routinely see that as soon as a woman gets her feelings hurt, she lashes out physically and with a vengeance! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! So God help you if you finally cross over whatever line in the sand SHE draws….that day…in that mood… It’s all a crap shoot. Meanwhile, women seem to treat men like men have no emotions/feelings at all. Just because men don’t show their emotions as openly as women doesn’t mean we don’t have them! We just don’t let them run our lives.
How many stories have we all heard of cars, houses, and other property being ruined by a woman who’s been hurt …emotionally? There’s even a country song out now about. I don’t even feel like Googling the name, but it’s a hit I hear.
And don’t even get me started on the whole “he hurt my feelings, so when he’s sleeping I’ll permanently maim him or possible kill him!!!!!” Wahhhh wahhhh… Damn. Must be a cramp in their fallopian tube or something!
he cheated on her, perhaps ok, I agree she should have asked for explanation, but that kind of reaction actually quite make sense when someone you love cheated on you.
She should get alot more time and fines, guess how much time a guy would have gotten if he had done the same; give the same to her…minimum 5 years with no parole.
Okay, I’m sick of reading all your stupid comments.
Here’s what happened according to the article.
Boy in shower, girl rummaging through iPod(nosy bitch)
Girl find video of him sexin an old ex-girlfriend, girlfriends goes FUCKING APESHIT!
The girl didn’t even talk to him, she completely overreacted.
Stomp, flush, slap!
1. video WAS old, the caption for the picture says as much.
2. That girl has no right to dictate what is or isn’t on his iPod, she’s his girlfriend, not his wife. Women seem to think that Girlfriend=Boss, this is incorrect, it means your dating, at least.
– Having a video of sex that occurred before they started dating is NOT cheating, you bitches saying it is, it ISN’T cheating, it’s old, and you are the sort of psychos that get pissed off at porn, it doesn’t mean anything.
3.Girl should’ve been calm and tried to talk to him, relationships thrive on communication, not overreacting bitchiness.
4. There’s nothing unmanly about reporting a crime committed by a woman, law is law, some crazy bitch slaps me, bitch is getting cuffed simple as that.
“I don’t follow. If a man does not “stand up for themselves they are cowardsâ€, and in the face of physical assault dare practice self defense and strike the woman attacking “are cowardsâ€? So… damned if you do, damned if you don’t? Guess I’m a coward :P”
Practice self defense and strike the woman attacking? Wow, try some restraint. I said communication, not hitting a woman, well, I guess if she’s a linebacker size and you’re a buck fifty then hey, swing away, dustin, guess you gotta get outta there somehow.
Women want equality, we should give it to them!
Stop thinking that’s since it’s a girl, you have to hold back. There is no gender line anymore. We are equals right? Deck the bitch to the ground. Male or female, you don’t slap or hit without being ready for the consequences.
Male or female, Tit for tat, Deck the bitch.
He is no man. This is plain and simple.
What is not plain and simple but simply shocking is that people approving his actions, talking about double standards and discussing gender equality. WTF? This is so American. First stupid undersexed women created feminism, now a bunch of weak undersexed mumbling and often smart men support it. Everybody should be equal in the face of law, that is true. But it does not cancel man’s primary responsibility in life – to protect and to cherish the beloved ones and to lead the way.
Men, just shut up and be men.
There’s something in this story that looks very frightening to me.
Cheat-slap situations occur every day, but how often do you hear about someone going to jail about something like that?
How expensive can an iPod + a slap in the face be to a person, to ruin someone else’s life by sending him to jail for an year?
Why do we forget the word “forgive” and replace it with “justice”?
Is “justice” in this situatuion really “just”?
Man vs. woman double-standards aside, it’s lame for anyone of any gender to call the police over a slap. If there was no real harm, settle it yourself.
Now beyond that I guess I’m old-fashioned because I don’t think the double-standard is all that bad. For women getting slapped, leave the relationship immediately and permanently – you should not be with a man who hits women as history shows it will only get worse. For men getting slapped, I guess it’s your call whether to talk it out and make up or just leave – there’s much less history of women repeatedly physically battering men, so men don’t need to take such a zero-tolerance approach to being slapped.
Women should be thrown in jail for assaulting men, tit-for-tat.
I was the victim of ‘taking it like a man’ whenever my abusive ex went on a tirade, and after a close shave with jail for defending myself against her physical abuse, I learned to just soak it up.
That is, until one night when she was angry and attempting to fire me up, after slapping and scratching me repeatedly while I kept my cool, she ran off. A few minutes later, I heard her behind me and suddenly felt a blinding pain in my arm.
She had gone to the kitchen, retrieved a knife, and stuck it in my arm. I punched her out and called the police, who then aggressively tried to extract a confession from me about what I did to drive her to stab me all the way to the hospital.
They ultimately refused to arrest her because it was a ‘he said she said’ situation, and the DA refused to return my calls later. I now suffer perm nerve damage in my right arm, and have lost about 25% of my grip strength. Civil lawyers have declined taking my case against her, because lack of a police arrest or conviction will make winning a settlement nearly impossible… because she is a woman.
That night ended our relationship (finally), and should serve as a good example of why early intervention in dealing with abusive people is important. Growing a pair is not an option.
This is insane. Women can hit men and men have to take it? That is bull. Lets look at his options. 1 Do nothing and wait for her to cut off his tool while he sleeps next time she gets mad at him. 2. Beat the tar out of her and go to jail for domestic violence. 3. Send the bitch to jail and go find one that isn’t violent. I would take option 3 thanks. By the way there is no way she will do a year for a slap if it is her first offence. I would bet she gets probation and some counseling. One thing nobody has brought up, what’s up with the home made porn? If you are still with them just jump in the sack and have more fun. If you aren’t still with them it can end up on the net for all to see. The only exception I can think of is if one is deployed overseas. But the possiblity of it ending up on the web is still there. Leave the porn to the pros.
I think that everyone gets mad at stuff. How would she even know that it was his ex and that her boyfriend wasn’t cheating? Idk, if something like that happened to me, i would have slapped him. I think that she should have to pay for the iPod and maybe apologize or something but I don’t think that a year of her life should be thrown away because of one moment of almost-justified rage.
why wasnt she making him a sandwich is the proper question
Some of you act like she should have just tucked her tail between her legs and taken him cheating on her without so much as a nasty comment. He deserved what he got, and shouldn’t anything that she did in that moment be a “Crime of passion”? If I found out my man was cheating on me, he’d have more to worry about than a stupid Ipod…
Lets, for a moment, take gender out of this.
What happened?
Person A assaulted person B and destroyed person B’s iPod.
What action should be taken?
Anyone know who Susan B Anthony is? If not, look her up.
What she did was wrong no matter the reason. I do agree that problems should be settled without the police. You hit me, I hit you. But in case of a women she is better off to get the jail time. I hit much harder than her.
I think destroying an expensive piece of property is far worse than the slap. I would have called the cops over the Ipod and refused to press charges over the slap.
I hope she goes to jail.
What bullshit. Too bad they weren’t married, so she could take him for every penny he has, the insolent bastard.
Male or Female it doesnt matter.
Anyone who finds finds a video of their loved one fucking another person i think are will within their own personal rights to destroy it and slap someone around once of twice.
and its a normal natural human reaction to do something like what she did.
Stop defending the dude. He cheated on her then was slimy enough to keep it on his iPod
Or if it was an old vid, slimy enough to keep it.
And anyone finding such a vid would not think.. “Gee, could this be old and he is only a disgusting pervert and not a disgusting cheating pervert?”
Thats just wrong.
If they were married, she could lose rights to anything he had simply by being found guilty over the assult.
Besides, if she’s done it before she needs some cool-down time.
if anyone ever assaults you and your property they deserve to be in that kind of trouble, im really getting mad at the people saying “take it like a man and suck it up” if anyone physiccaly assaults anyone and there property it should be punished
She should have thrown a blowdrier in the shower.
AAHHH! crazy ass girl. And girls want guy’s in jail for hittin them, eh? We just set the rules straight.
Well.. for all the girls who said “he deserved it” i agree, i mean, at least delete the vid if it´s old, or save it in your computer!! 😛 but now seriously I´m tired of that shit like the women can hit men and the men can´t do anything… Now moving to the “crime” she broke his frikking ipod and slapped him, buy him another ipod, apologize and end the relation, you don´t need to send her to jail and the roomie as his friend did well in defending him.
Moral lesson: Don´t save p0rn on your ipod idiot, hide it in your computer
u hit someone/break their stuff u get in trouble, period
u find out something about ur lover u cant stand, u leave them (if it isnt talkable)
no exceptions, punishment is given to fit the crime, year is not for single offense idiots, learn to read the article before commenting
this is y i plan to walk around with a wire, lying bitchs
roomate is to the man as any neighbor would be to a woman (in reverse situation)
im not paying for ur god dam meals either, u want equality then “take it like a man”, hypocrites piss me off, woops my “slap” to ur nose shoved the bone into ur brain, sry